Hello everyone! I am simply exploring our new website and wanted to eventually start utilizing this forum for blogs and "Pastor's Thoughts"... I want to see how this whole thing works so if you have been notified of this post and are reading this, please comment below as to where you are from and how you heard of the First Heavy Metal Church of Christ. Thank you so much for being a part of this family!!! ROCK ON! ~Pastor Brian~

I heard about FHMCC through "Shut up John".😜!
We will be HONORED to have you!!!!
I have spoken to pastor Brian on the phone, text and email. I am confident that if you go to this church you will find REAL people spreading love and God's whole and true word. I am excited to be making the 3 hour trek one Sunday in April! Cannot wait!
A girlfriend of mine sent me a link to a YouTube video last night. I always said that when/if I find a church that I like, I'll start going again. I think I found it - I just wish I lived closer to Dayton!
Ive heard from a few people about your church..sure want to come so badly!
Jesus saved me on March 14 , 2018. Long story but God slapped me upside the head and i ain' been right since. Since then I have searched for Godly folks like me....that would be you from what I've seen. FHMCC came up on my Facebook and Im hooked. You are definately on to something.
A year ago I started talking to a guy who attends your church and we used to video call every Sunday so I could view the message later on I found this online site
A little over 2 years ago, I stumbled into FHMCC (Greenville Chapter). I now have a church family that walks with me through my struggles where I am; showing me Jesus, and loving me through it all. Today, I try to serve others the same way. Rock-On with The Rock!