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The Divided States of AmeriKa and a Pissed-Off Pastor!


I cannot stand the current state of our once-great nation anymore!  America has turned to AmeriKa…


Am I wrong?


These Pro-Hummus rallies need to be water cannoned… Izrail was attacked!  Evil men keelled young children, cut off their heds and RaPeD their korpses!

Izrail WARNED the civilians to get the hell outta dodge but they didn’t… Not their fault… 


If another country ever did that to us, we would annihilate them without warning! The USA has keeled more innocent lives in our wars and what about the rape and innocent women and children getting mowed down in Nam?  What about what we did to our Native Americans?  What about Hiroshima and Nagasaki?   


These snotty-ass spoiled college "students" are WORTHLESS.    In my opinion, this all started when a certain prez who has a secret tranz woman for a wife, turned the Wite Haus rainbow colored…  That was the precursor in my mind of the beginning of the end for AmeriKa.. It fast-tracked us to where we are now.

We are not mentioned in Biblical Prophesy…  You would think the most powerful and rich Nation of ALL TIME would have at least some part in the end, but NOBODY comes to the aid of Izrail…  Only God.. Research the Ezekiel 38 War


Where are we?  Are we speaking Russian or Chinese?  Are we belly up because one of our powerful enemies got sick of our shit, and EM-PEED us?  Economic collapse?  Those 2 theories alone would cause 85% of our population to starve to death in just 1 year…  Look it up if you think I’m crazy..

 90% of the AmeriKan church is DEAD…  Only 2% of AmeriKan Churches evangelize… Think I’m wrong?  RESEARCH IT!  Not to mention that a stoopid paper mask DIVIDED the church! A labb created plannedDemic closed the doors of 99% of AmeriKan churches! The church should NEVER close!


When the world needed us the most, you puzzies closed your doors… 


The plannedDemic was the dress rehearsal…  Now we wait for what they REALLY have coming…  They know who will fight and who will bow down…  The first stage of divide/conquer worked… 


Hummus keeps warning that AmeriKa, aka the Great Satan, is NEXT…   The average American couldn’t fight their way outta a wet paper bag! 

While Russia and China teach their elementary-aged children to field dress an AA KK 47, our kids are trying to decide what jinder they want to be…  Our country is forcing us to enable and accept mental illness, and we are ALLOWING THEM to do it!

In other news, They are not EMMIGRANTS, they are not UNDOCKUMENTED MIeGRANTS, they are EELEEGAL TRESPASSERS that are flooding in unrecorded for 3 years now, while this disgusting administration turns a blind eye..  We are FILLED with sleeper cells now…  There is a new mas merder every week now, you cry for gunn control?  No not a chance.., More HONEST peeps need to carry… 

And don’t tell me Jesus was an Immygrant and that he would be ok with opin borderz…  Jesus said to give unto Caesar what is his….  The Bible also says to honor the laws of the land..  And lastly, Joseph, Mary and Jesus were running from the King, who wanted them dead.. Jesus said sell your cloak and buy a sword…. Turn the other cheek doesn’t mean to let someone break into your home, rape and kill your family an run off with your stuff…  That is not what “Thou Shall Not Keel” means… It means that cold-blooded merder is a sin…  Protecting your family and our country from tyranny is permissible. 


Our country is evil…  We are no longer a Christian Nation…  We are in decline and it is 90% of the American Churches fault… November 2024 will not fix shit!  This current clown is a direct punishment from God for being an unrepentant nation…  Oh and SCREW YOU Colorado and California..

 I want to publically thank “The Don” for opening my eyes to the swamp.. It’s real, and it’s both sides!  I no longer consider myself a Reepublikan..  I am now an Independent Moderate with a slice of Anarchist…


Whether you love or hate him, look what they are doing to that Amerikan..  It was PROVEN that Killaree made up the Russian Koluzion….  She destroyed her phones and laptops and destroyed thousands of emails..  Where was that indictment? What about Kunter’s Laptop?  The “Big Guys” cut from Chiina? What about Hepsteen’s flight log?  What about Billy Clitons sexual past AND present?  Isnt it hilarious that the guy that “proved” piazza G8t was a hoax, ended up getting arrested for being a pedo?  Isn’t it wild that AmeriKa is the LARGEST importer of pre-pubescent children, so that the elite can have real life sexxt dollz? 


Isn’t it hilarious that our military is spread thin all over the world, recruitment is at a record low, our strategic oil reserves (for war) are empty, our weapons have been left in Affgannistan, and are being given to Yookraine, not to mention BILLIONS of dollars we don't have to support a corrupt money laundering nation.. (Research It) while we are sitting here like sitting ducks as the sleeper cells keep flooding in? 


I don’t think we will make it to another election…  I hope I am wrong!  And if I am wrong, it can’t be too much longer…  The ONLY thing standing in the way of a one-world government, one-world currency and one-world religion is Amerika!!! Soros said this!  Once the dollar is gone, digital currency will take over and then they have us!  NO SOUP FOR YOU unless you comply…


If you think I’m crazy, Google: Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi to open in 2022 and In America's Heartland, Building One Home For Three Faiths…

And look what the Katholic Dope just did!  You cannot authorize the “blessing of sin” folks!  That is heresy AND abomination.


So we sit and wait….  I get sick of hearing that a “GREAT REVIVAL” is coming… No it’s not!  First World Christianity is anemic and asleep…   The ONLY thing that will wake them up is MASS DESTRUCTION but half will turn from the faith because they were never deeply rooted to begin with.  The great deception of the Anti-Christ is gonna be a piece of cake!  I believe that half the Christians of the First World Churches will be left behind, and they will say: “That couldn’t have been the rapture, because we are still here”! 



I keep pleading with Christians to prep for what is coming but they laugh it off, saying “My God will take care of me” or better yet, “Jesus will get us out of here before that happens”…


IDIOTS… ALL of you! 


Do you really think we will be spared discomfort while we all party like it’s 1999 here in AmeriKa while our bros and sisses in Christ overseas are getting decapitated, drowned, raped and tortured for their faith! Yeah uh huh…  No discomfort huh?  Oh yes blind one, we are going to see the most horrific shit that we never thought imaginable! Don’t you realize how bad this world has to be for all world leaders to throw the keys of control to one good looking, smooth tongued devil, that smiles and says, “trust me I can fix all of this”?…  Yeah good luck with that Pre-Tribbers….  Geez… Sometimes I wish I were that naïve again..


PREP for what’s coming!  And if I’m wrong?  Well my Atheist brother and some other special lost people in my life may manage to survive on mysupplies and maybe give their heart to Christ when they see that I was right and that God provided for them thru ME… See why I do it?


Man, I could just keep on going but RANT OVER…  All I can say is as far as this Christ follower goes, I am #READYFORREVOLUTION because this one great nation has finally and truly embraced evil, and unless we rise up and FIGHT, it is over… I have too many lost loved ones to want Jesus to return at this time. It drives me nuts to constantly hear Christians say that.. "Oh come quickly Lord"! I tell them it must be nice to have all of your loved ones saved! That shuts them up really quickly...


If you made it this far, THANK YOU for reading!  Please comment your thoughts, whether good, bad, or ugly…


Sorry for all the misspells but I can’t afford to get put in FB jail again if this gets shared…




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